Thursday, December 8, 2011

Population Life Tables

Population Life Tables:
Constructing a life table is a simple method for keeping track of births, deaths, and reproductive output in a population of interest. Basically, there are three methods of constructing such a table: 1) the cohort life table follows a group of same-aged individuals from birth (or fertilized eggs) throughout their lives, 2) a static life table is made from data collected from all ages at one particular time-it assumes the age distribution is stable from generation to generation, and 3) a life table can be made from mortality data collected from a specifed time period and also assumes a stable age distribution. An important sidenote to remember about population life tables is that for organisms that have seperate sexes, life tables frequently follow only female individuals.~I've included a link below that shows an age-dependent life-table that is well organized and easy to follow!

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